Eric and I said our goodbyes to Suphanburi, to our favorite
Thai teachers, to Wattana, to Nay, and to our smoothie lady and left for
Bangkok on a Friday after finishing our week of tutoring the math and science
teachers. My mom’s flight got in at 10 am on March 23rd and we
surprisingly didn’t have any problems finding her at the airport! She was alert
(impressive after such a long flight), excited to be in Thailand, and came
bearing cookies and brownies. We took her to Chatuchak Market so she could be
sufficiently overwhelmed with a huge Thai market and do some shopping.
Aow Yai--Our beach in Ko Phayam |
We then made our way to the Southern bus terminal, which was
much easier to get to than expected so we spent a few hours hanging out at the
bus station before boarding our 8:30 pm overnight bus to Ranong. We got to
Ranong and took a taxi to the pier at around 5 am and had another 4 or so hours
to wait until the ferry left for our destination-Ko Phayam. It was then a 2
hour ferry ride to the island, a 20 minute motor taxi ride to the beach we
would stay at (Aow Yai) and some walking from bungalow to bungalow trying to
find a good deal. We were hot and exhausted after all the traveling and
couldn’t wait to put our backpacks down and jump in the ocean. (By the way, my
mom’s modes of transportation count in two days was 9)
Our Bungalow |
We went for the cheapest bungalow option, which was a very
basic bungalow at Ko Phayam Coconut Resort. We easily slipped into the island
lifestyle of waking up and going on a run, walk, or swim, more swimming,
breakfast, reading, more swimming, etc. One day we rented a motorbike so we
could see the other part main area that people stayed on the island and Eric
played taxi driver shuttling my mom and I to the different beaches. The other
beach was in a bay as opposed to our long, wide beach (great for running) and
was very beautiful. The water was very shallow and Eric and I were able to walk
almost all the way to where the bay met the open ocean!
Buffalo Bay before the tide went out |
Ko Phayam is way less developed than most islands in
Thailand. There is only electricity in the evening and they turn off running water
at night (and sometimes at random times during the day). These two aspects of
the underdevelopment were a bit inconvenient at times, but it was so nice to be
on an island with a huge open beach and very few tourists relative to the rest
of Thai islands. The food was still expensive as on all islands, but it was
actually really good which isn’t always the case in areas where there are a lot
of tourists. Our favorite dish was Burmese pickled tea salad, which I will definitely try to recreate at home. We ate a lot of great seafood every single day, which is always a treat.